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G.e.t. LoveIN 築動愛 獲獎作品 | 小紅帽
G.e.t. LoveIN The Winning Entries
上年度由進口瓷磚翹楚G.e.t. Casa及意大利瓷磚專家Ricchetti Group聯合舉辦「G.e.t. LoveIN築動愛 2017-慈善建築設計比賽」,凝聚建築設計師力量去關愛留守兒童,為留守兒童築起充滿愛的「關愛兒童之家」。通過評審團精心評選,由廖晉南參賽者設計的“小紅帽A LITTLE RED HAT” 奪得專業組亞軍。
Last year, as the organizers of “G.e.t. LoveIN 築動愛 2017 – Architectural Design Awards Competition”, the imported tiles expert G.e.t. Casa and the Italian tiles merchant RicchettiGroup aim to form the team spirit within the architectural design field with the intention of reaching the helpful hand to the left-behind children and building a “Child Care Centre”.By the jury selection carefully, the work of Louis Liao, “A LITTLE RED HAT”, awarded 1st runner-up.
1strunner-up Louis Liao and Mr. Barrie Ho MH, the chief juror of the competition
有 愛 的地方才叫家。
There are approximately sixty million left-behind children in rural China, according to a survey, and over forty million are under 14. Those children are left-behind in their villages with no sound infrastructure and educational system, their parents have gone to cities to earn money like many other rural migrant workers in cities under today’s high-speed economic development in China. Taking care of grandparents, playing with toys while waiting for phone calls from parents are the only things those children can do. Left-behind children will easily have a lack of confidence and hope in life and future due to the lack of parental emotional support during their growth.
“A LITTLE RED HAT”的構想始於童趣,每一個孩子都該擁有美好的童年。在設計伊始,設計師將“孩子與父母之間缺失的情感交流”作為出發點,營造“我們在同一屋簷下”的團聚氛圍,為河北省帽子山村的留守兒童、老人們建造一個注入情感的“家”,一個具有教育功能的“文化空間”,一個有趣好玩的“童趣園”,而非“新的建築”。
The idea of "A LITTLE RED HAT" starts from the joy of childhood, and we believe that every child is supposed to have a good childhood. At the very beginning of design, the designer do atopic - “lack of emotional communication between children and their parents” as a main point, in order to create a concept of under one roof is essential to those left-behind children and elders. This project is dedicated to create a “home” with full of love, a “home” with the education function of"cultural space", and a “joyful garden” to those people who live in MAOZI village in HEBEI province, rather to simply build a “new house”.
不僅是一個建築項目,更是送給孩童與老人最珍貴的 禮物
The main design element is triangle which refers to the stability. The surrounding architectural layout implies a warm embrace from the outside world to children and the elders. The enveloped corridor path formed by those multiple overlapping triangles is dedicated to make reading, walking, playing, relaxing, listening and other activities freely occur in this "loving home".
The purpose of roof slope is to prevent the wind and snow, the sufficient light can be brought into the interior by the window. The existing atrium facilitates the convection of the air. Due to the uniqueness of the architectural appearance, the interior space forms a few "corners" that only children can climb to reach, thus becoming their secret paradise. The outside world can be brought into their eyes through the enormous floor toceiling windows, children here can do brainstorming and meditation and anything rewarding. The atrium and outdoor walkways will be a great choice for walking for the elders.
In terms of materiality, the facade of the building is the local traditional red tiles, and the building is structured bythe steel skeleton and glass curtain wall, in order to pursue the originalauthenticity of the material while innovating under its own aestheticperspective.The interaction of "emotion" in the design is embodied inthree aspects: architecture and environment, people and architecture, andpeople with people themselves. This will not only be considered as a project,but also a gift to those left-behind children and the elders.
The main building will be joined by four trigoneto build an enveloped corridor path. The main entrance is located in the northeast side of the venue, close to the village but away from the road on thesouth side for safety reasons.
The triangle elements have their own characters of stability and irregularity, the architecture structured by those severalir regular triangular forms, implicitly provide the sense of “stable” and “been cuddled”by caregivers’ perspective, while to increase more funky architectural expression.
Maozishan village, Pingquan county, Hebei province, it is surrounded by traditional North China rural landscape - loess land, slope-top houses, red-brick houses. The folkway here is simple as it is mainly inhabited by minority nations. This region is a temperate monsoon climate in the northern hemisphere with four distinct seasons. Winter mostly has northerly wind, and summer southerly wind. Therefore, the east side of our building is mainly glass, fully introducing the light and the spring and summer warm southeast monsoon. On the west side, the red tile blocks the strong western sun and the cold northwest wind in winter.
The purpose of this project is to build such innovated space in picturesque disorder with native memories and local culture in the area.
The feeling of being together and the concept of under one roof are essential to those left-behind children. Therefore, there is no wall to separate the internal spaces in each public area. The basic functional components, the cultural function room, activity & training room, library, study room, office, are all included in this spire constructed building. The majority of the user’s moving circulation will follow the training room around a circle to the cultural activity room and then return to the beginning. People can explore different architectural forms according to different angle of views by walking along the circle path which is adjacent to the building. The varieties of triangular forms carefully divide the space and create room light with different level. Meanwhile,the transparent floor to ceiling window makes the seasonal rural environment integrated to the interior as natural ornamentation.
設計師:元太室內設計 - 廖晉南
Designer ARCHETYPE DESIGN - Louis Liao
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成立於1998年,G.e.t. Casa現已是許多世界級瓷磚、木地板品牌的獨家經銷商。透過為業界提供優質服務和產品,G.e.t. Casa已成為中國進口建築材料市場的領導者。G.e.t. Casa一直致力搜羅意大利最新潮時尚和高品質的建築材料,並保證提供進口意大利瓷磚產品。作為市場的時尚領導者,G.e.t. Casa每年從歐洲嚴選優質時尚的產品,為客戶帶來與眾不同的產品新體驗和新靈感。
Established in 1998, G.e.t. Casa is the sole distributor for many international brands of ceramics and wood flooring. G.e.t. Casa has become the pioneer of imported building materials of the world in Chinese market by providing quality services and products. G.e.t. Casa aims to collect the latest fashions and high-quality building materials from Italy and guarantees the tile products are original Italian made. As one of the fashion leaders in the market, G.e.t. Casa selects high-quality products directly from Europe annually, in order to inspire our customers with the hottest trend and provide for them an immersive experience.
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